White Label Solution

White Label Solution


The white label technology is a ready-made licensed software product developed by one company and rebranded by another one, to make it appear their own. The mechanism seems clear, but what does white label mean in business today?

In the saturated ad market and high competition environment, it is difficult to stand out from the crowd. The launch of the product will require a lot of efforts and time, even if you’ve progressed far past planning stage. It will take even more time to build your brand recognition and grow a loyal customer base, that’s why marketers invented white label platforms.

PayVang Offers White label solution to all Business owners which allows easy customization of Checkout look-and-feel with your Business logo and brand color.

White Label solution requires a minimum of upfront capital investment since the vendor handles all issues with software licensing, data center space or servers, costs on logistics and tech support. After the company customizes the product with the feel and look of their own brand, it can begin selling the product as its own collecting revenues and share the commission with the service provider or technology.

How does it work?
The vendor company develops a “plug-and-play” product for your business, for instance, a white label-advertising platform that’s seamlessly tailored to suit your brand. Then, you have to “decorate” the product to match your corporate identity. With the help of White Label, you can add your company’s name, logo, icons, URLs, corporate emails, components of the text and some elements of the website to align them with your brand comfortably. After full customization, you will be ready to turn your white label sales right away, on your own conditions.

Here's a thought—you don't need to be an expert on every marketing tactic in order to sell it. That's why 'white label solutions' exist. Let's back it up a bit...

Your company should focus on what you do best—and do it better than anyone else. However, we're in an age where local businesses expect more marketing offerings from fewer partners and don't want to juggle ten different companies and contracts. That's where White label software, products, and services come into play to fill in your gaps and help you become a full-service agency.

These white-label solutions allow you to scale your business in many ways, fast and securely.

Scale your offering. you’re able to instantly add new products and services to your core offering. You can quickly grow from entrepreneur to agency and beyond.

Scale your costs. means you’re cutting overhead and resource expenses. There’s no development work or IT setup for products. Everything is turnkey.

Scale your revenue. you're adopting a bulletproof ROI model.

Grow the reputation of your business. By offering every digital marketing solution local businesses need, you'll quickly become the go-to "local expert."

Improve client retention. More products = more reasons for clients to stay and make you their one-stop shop.

Let you focus on your core values and brand. With less time on fulfillment and figuring out nitty gritty specifics, you can focus on what your agency does best and build out your brand to stand out in the crowd.

White-label business opportunities are huge opportunities to grow your brand, reputation, basket of offerings, and scale your revenue to the Nth degree.

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